Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dessert Sauces

This class was fun. Simple but delicious sauces. I would like to personally thank this class for the large amount of brownie points I earned with my girlfriend. I swept her off her feet with sweets.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Finishing Sauces and Infused Oils

The simplicity of a finishing sauce was impressive to me. The saying "Simple but effective", comes to mind. Our class made a lot of sauces with very different tastes and consistencies. I now know why Chefs are intrigued by foams. They are a giant pain in the @$s. At home I made an infused oil with the following ingredients:

12oz extra virgn olive oil

1/8 red bell pepper

1/8 green bell pepper

1/8 red onion (lyonnaise)

4 cloves garlic

1 bay leaf

10-15 peppercorns

The end result is a sweet/spicy very light oil. It brings a lot of flavor to a plain salad so you don't have to pile on all the things that make a salad unhealthy.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

We made a buffet of sorts last week in class. My partner and I personally made tapenade, Thai melon salsa and seviche. I later made the same dishes for neighbors and as far as my opinion goes the Thai melon salsa was the biggest hit. simple but effective

Sunday, January 24, 2010


By no means am I a blogger, so here goes. Soup/Sauce class has been and continues to be an eye-opener. I was oblivious to the complex chemistry of what goes into a soup or sauce. In thursday's class we made compound butter. I am intrigued by the many different kinds of compounds you can create. I plan to make C-butter with fruits, spices, and will experiment with some edible flowers. I was surprised that the only real difference between Hollandaise and Bearnaise is an acid reduction with tarragon. The addition of tarragon made a drastic change in flavor. In closing I am looking forward to next week.